Smoking prevalence remains high among people with a mental health condition compared to those without. Understanding people’s motivation to quit and their views of smoking cessation support may help to develop future interventions. We conducted a qualitative study to explore the perceptions of 30 people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders who were current smokers, about smoking traditional cigarettes, the appeal of licensed medicines and e-cigarettes for smoking cessation or smoking reduction. The experiences of participants who were motivated to quit were compared with those who were not motivated to quit. Findings suggest traditional cigarettes were pleasurable and licensed cessation aids and e-cigarettes unappealing to participants who were unmotivated to quit. Whereas nicotine replacement products and e-cigarettes may be an appealing smoking cessation or reduction strategy for those motivated to quit. There is a need to find ways of making traditional cigarettes less appealing and alternative less harmful nicotine products (licensed and unlicensed) more appealing and accessible to this group of high risk smokers.
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Journal: Journal of Addictive Disease
Authors (in alph. order): Pasquale Caponnetto, Riccardo Polosa