Dr. Mirko Casu and Prof. Pasquale Caponnetto attend the “Second European Conference Of Digital Psychology: Psychology and AI: New Horizons,” the second edition of the conference promoted by Sigmund Freud University Milan on March 21 and 22, 2024.
Prof. Pasquale Caponnetto, clinical psychologist member of the CoEHAR at the University of Catania, and Dr. Mirko Casu, a PhD student in Computer Science with a MSc in Clinical Psychology, are going to present the project titled “AI in Action: Pioneering an Algorithm for Smoke-Free Living Through Wearable Tech” during the second Italian event of the “European Conference on Digital Psychology and Artificial Intelligence.”
The project involves the development of artificial intelligence algorithms for detecting movements associated with cigarette smoking, aiming to integrate these algorithms into commercial and/or clinical applications and promote cessation from traditional cigarette smoking.

The project is currently ongoing in the labs of the Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction (CoEHAR), recognized worldwide in the field of THR research, and it is funded by the NextGeneration EU funding, under the PNRR SiciliAn MicronanOTecH Research And Innovation CEnter (SAMOTHRACE).
This innovative project is an example of the interdisciplinary and interdepartmental work conducted at the University of Catania. This is achieved through the involvement of researchers from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, specializing in algorithm development and technical management of the tools used, and the Psychology Section of the Department of Educational Sciences, experts in smoking cessation techniques and intervention models related to clinical psychology and addiction.
The presentation is scheduled for Thursday, March 21st at 11:30 a.m. Further information on the program can be found at this link.
On the same day, Professor Caponnetto and Dr. Casu will participate in the SRNT Symposium – The Scientific Forum for Presentation and Respectful Discussion of Cutting-Edge Nicotine and Tobacco Research, to discuss aspects related to psychology and smoking harm reduction.