CoEHAR/O’Leary: “There is a desperate need of living systematic reviews to improve the level of research internationally”

“The results of LSR are of particular interest for lawmakers, clinicians, as well as the public seeking reliable information on e-cigarettes." The seminar “Living systematic reviews: a new standard for…

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International Meeting on Catania Conversation discussed Public Health and future opportunities for 2021

"Vaping and COVID19: What are some of the key scientific learnings for public health and vaping as we prepare for 2021? What can we do better from patients’ perspectives?" the title of the event of last 16th December, where some of the most important names in the field of Harm Reduction discussed different topics, including the Public Health Response to the Covid-19 pandemic

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The new Vaping Manual between Science and Real Use

Toxicological testing, population studies, clinical trials and randomized controlled trials demonstrate the potential reductions in exposures for smokers. Unfortunately, socio-cultural and economics barriers, such as heavy taxation, misperceptions about nicotine and unsubstantiated fears of youth addiction, prevent low risk products to become accessible to all and a good choice for those who want to quit smoking.

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CoEHAR Unict: A call is open for 4 Research Fellowships

Catania, 8 June 2020 - The selection procedure for the award of 4 Research Fellowships is open to young graduates in various discipline: the deadline is June 26, 2020. The selection is part of the activities and research projects promoted by the COEHAR, the Center of Excellence for the Accelleration of Harm Reduction of the University of Catania, founded by Prof. Riccardo Polosa.

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