University of Catania: new researcher hired on a THR project with PNRR funds

Rosalia Emma holds a degree in Health Biology at the University of Catania, a PhD in Translational Biomedicine and has signed dozens of scientific publications on the topic of harm reduction. Prof. Emma is currently a member of the scientific team of the Replica 2.0 project, coordinated by CoEHAR.

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CoEHAR: world first app monitoring the eating habits of smokers who want to quit

In their recent publication, the interdisciplinary academic research group of computer scientists, clinical psychologists and medical doctors of the FoodRec study explained how they created and tested an app for food recognition to monitor smokers’ mood status and dietary habits in an uncontrolled pre-test post-test open pilot study

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Usa, Serbia, Morocco and Indonesia: Catania, world capital of Harm Reduction

From today 27th February until the 3rd March, eight researchers from 4 academic partners of the Replica project will be guests of the CoEHAR at the University of Catania to discuss research work and methodologies and to prepare the start of the activities. In the laboratories of the Biological Tower "F. Latteri", scientists from Indonesia, United States, Serbia and Morocco will have the opportunity to work with the most innovative research equipment in the world, establishing methods and standards operating procedures that will be shared with the international scientific community.

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Schizophrenia spectrum disorders patients: smoking also harms friends and relatives

The high number of cigarettes smoked every day by patients with severe mental disorders does not only harm individual smokers but also their parents and the people around them. The habit of smoking is perceived as harmful and also causes discomfort to those close to patients with schizophrenia who can even smoke 60 cigarettes a day.

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State-of-the-art review article concludes that e-cigarettes may offer health benefits to COPD patients

The ground-breaking review article "Health impact of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Current and emerging evidence" published in Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine discusses existing and future options for COPD smokers who have difficulty quitting smoking. It also systematically reviews the current literature about e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. The article is authored by CoEHAR researchers of the University of Catania together with British respiratory physicians at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals in London.

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In Silico review: ecig add no additional cardiovascular health risks

The research covered 25 studies comprising 1,810 participants who smoked. The authors found that nearly two thirds of the tests analyzed showed e-cigarettes do not bring any additional harm to a smoker’s health, specifically in relation to heart rate, blood pressure and cardiovascular test. In fact, researchers evaluated evidence from two clinical studies that showed that the use of e-cigarettes could lead to a potential benefit. For example, participants with hypertension experienced a clinically significant reduction in systolic blood pressure after one year of electronic nicotine delivery systems use.

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New CoEHAR comment on hospital datasets across pandemic waves

The comment “Value of hospital datasets of COVID-19 patients across different pandemic periods: challenges and opportunities” analyzed the information obtained from hospitalized patients regarding the severity of COVID-19 across different pandemic periods and SARS-cov-2 variants. 

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