CoEHAR partnered with the giants of global pulmonology to develop a smoking and asthma algorithm to manage smokers with asthma

Overall, the study authors believe that smoking cessation has a positive effect on asthmatic patients' respiratory health: the longer you abstain from smoking, the better your asthma symptoms will be. Gradually, patients with asthma gain a higher quality of life as their exacerbations decrease.

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Smoking cessation policies in Brazil and UK: the law behind ecig

In a recently published paper, “Health protection, public policies for smoking cessation and regulation of electronic cigarettes in Brazil and the UK: a study of comparative public law”, by Costanza Nicolosi, expert in the economics of legal regulation and Ph.D. in law, the author analyzes the legal approach taken by  two countries, UK and Brazil, in e-cigarettes’ regulation,  marketing, and production

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Read more about the article Cigarette smoking and SARS-CoV-2 infection: CoEHAR study found less infected people among current smokers

Cigarette smoking and SARS-CoV-2 infection: CoEHAR study found less infected people among current smokers

CoEHAR researchers investigated for the first time the relationship between biochemically-verified smoking status and SARS-CoV-2 infection in a large population study. The study “The impact of laboratory-verified smoking on SARS-CoV-2 infection: Results from the Troina sero-epidemiological survey”, found that the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibody positivity were reduced in smokers compared to former and never smokers (19.8% vs. 31%)

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Read more about the article Mobile health apps and cyber health psychology: digital smoking cessation appears to be more effective
Mobile health apps and cyber health psychology

Mobile health apps and cyber health psychology: digital smoking cessation appears to be more effective

For even greater effectiveness and better treatment outcomes, it is always recommended to combine the tool with a parallel psychotherapy path, exploiting an integrated clinical approach. These tools are highly customizable to the needs of the individual patient and in some cases thy can allow the treatment of psychotic symptoms of drug resistance

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Read more about the article Experimental Biology 2022: CoEHAR flies to Philadelphia to present the Replica project
alfio distefano experimental biology

Experimental Biology 2022: CoEHAR flies to Philadelphia to present the Replica project

CoEHAR presented the results of the Replica project during Experimental Biology 2022, the annual meeting that brings together thousands of scientists and experts in the field of anatomy, biochemistry and molecular biology, investigative pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. Representing CoEHAR, the researcher Alfio Distefano, PhD student in neuroscience at the University of Catania

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CoEHAR exposes for the first time that most e-cigarette research is flawed and in need of urgent critical reform 

Under the leadership of CoEHAR, a team of international researchers, examined the 24 most frequently cited vaping studies published in medical journals. The findings are shocking: almost all of these studies were found to be methodologically flawed; they lacked a clear hypothesis, used inadequate methodology, failed to collect data relevant to the study objectives, and did not correct for obvious confounding factors. 

Continue ReadingCoEHAR exposes for the first time that most e-cigarette research is flawed and in need of urgent critical reform