On Wednesday 14th June 2023 at 3 pm, in the Biological Tower of the University of Catania, Prof. Roberto Sussman of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and actually visiting professor in Catania University will hold a seminar on: “CRITICAL REVIEW OF CURRENT LABORATORY STANDARDS AND EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN FOR HARM REDUCTION RESEARCH”.
Prof. Riccardo Polosa, founder of CoEHAR, will introduce the seminar with his experience on tobacco harm reduction research.
Professor Robert Sussman is a PhD in Physics from the University of London, 1987. His PhD work was on spacetime singularities and physical properties of exact and qualitative solutions of Einstein’s field equations. After a 3 year postdoctoral fellowship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he has been since 1991 a full time researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), with tenure since 2004. He has published over 100 peer reviewed articles and directed 7 thesis of post graduate students. Prof. Sussman is part of the docent staff of the graduate student programs in Physics and Astronomy of UNAM. Besides area of expertise, he worked in other areas of theoretical physics and astrophysics: properties of dark matter, relativistic thermodynamics, fluid mechanics. Recently, Robert Sussman has become an active researcher in various topics that are connected with the research undertaken by the CoEHAR group of University of Catania. So far, he published three extensive articles in collaboration with Professor Polosa on topics related to Aerosol Physics, specifically on bio-aerosols in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also started a collaboration with Dr Federica Sipalli and Dr Rosalia Emma on a critique of laboratory studies on aerosols generated by new nicotine delivery products.
To join the seminar, please send an e-mail to: cr.coehar@unict.it