Catania, world capital of antismoking research: the CoEHAR mural

As a tangible demonstration of the gratitude towards the city that marked the beginning of the change, this morning CoEHAR presented the “CoEHAR Mural” along A.Doria Avenue (near INFN- Institute of Nuclear Physics). The mural is an artistic work created by the collective “MaleTinte”, thanks to the patronage of the Municipality of Catania and the Italian Anti-smoking League, LIAF, and the support of the BCC, Cooperative Credit Bank of Regalbuto and PPG Italy Group.

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Read more about the article Cigarette smoking and SARS-CoV-2 infection: CoEHAR study found less infected people among current smokers

Cigarette smoking and SARS-CoV-2 infection: CoEHAR study found less infected people among current smokers

CoEHAR researchers investigated for the first time the relationship between biochemically-verified smoking status and SARS-CoV-2 infection in a large population study. The study “The impact of laboratory-verified smoking on SARS-CoV-2 infection: Results from the Troina sero-epidemiological survey”, found that the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibody positivity were reduced in smokers compared to former and never smokers (19.8% vs. 31%)

Continue ReadingCigarette smoking and SARS-CoV-2 infection: CoEHAR study found less infected people among current smokers

Partnerships between CoHEAR, Duke University, Oasi of Troina leads to the first study to evaluare the correlation between smoking habits and Covid-19 infections.

In the past few days, seroepidemiological tests on citizens have been performed to assess the impact of smoking on the Covid-19 infections on the most vulnerable part of the population. The subjects of the study were selected according to a multi-layered probabilistic sampling plan by gender and age on citizens from 5 to over 80 years old. Among them, the employees of the Oasi of Troina, many of whom were tested positive to the Covid-19 infection.

Continue ReadingPartnerships between CoHEAR, Duke University, Oasi of Troina leads to the first study to evaluare the correlation between smoking habits and Covid-19 infections.