Impact of ENDS on oxidative stress: a Replica project review

An independent review by the Replica project team examines the impact of tobacco smoke and electronic nicotine delivery systems use on oxidative stress, the precursor of the so-called tobacco related diseases (respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, tumors). To date, the scientific evidence available constitutes a puzzle of information, which, despite experimental and procedural limitations of international studies , already shows a reduced impact of ENDS on oxidative stress compared to cigarette smoking, even if some research have concluded that they do not completely eliminate it, leaving the question still pending 

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Mirroring human mental processes through artificial intelligence can open new frontiers in clinical medicine

Just published in the journal Internal and Emergency Medicine  a commentary that illustrates the potential of machine learning in analyzing and processing large amounts of clinical and laboratory information, using…

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75th Tobacco Science Research Conference: CoEHAR in New Orleans 

The meeting “75th Tobacco Science Research Conference” is an incredible opportunity for researchers and professionals to discuss, analyze and deepen the latest news on tobacco harm reduction strategies, including the necessary steps to develop the scientific activity and the engagement of the sector

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Polosa and Goniewicz the world’s most influential e-cigarette researchers, a new bibliometrics analysis concludes

The mapping of Global Research on electronic cigarettes showed that prof. Riccardo Polosa (CoEHAR Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of HArm Reduction, University of Catania) and prof. Maciej L. Goniewicz (Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA) are the most influential authors and the most important researchers in the e-cigarettes research field. 

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CoEHAR members calls for reconsider the vaping ban in Bangladesh and sign a letter to the Health Ministry

CoEHAR members, in collaboration with a group of international experts and THR advocates, signed a letter to “urge the government of Bangladesh not to prohibit smoke free nicotine-based alternatives to combustible cigarettes and to use evidence-based regulatory policy to do more to protect the health of Bangladesh's 164,7 million people”. 

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Covid-19: ecig only add 1% of risk compared to breathing

Incredibly, people close to an infected vaper using an e-cigarette in home or restaurant scenarios face a one percent increase of risk of contagion compared to the control case of a normal breathing (without vaping) inside closed spaces. This relative added risk becomes 5-17 percent for high intensity vaping and up to 260 percent for speaking for various periods and coughing.

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US: end of teen nicotine vaping epidemic and eradication of tobacco smoking

The use of e-cigarette among teenagers in the United States is considered a significant public health problem. A close look at federal data now show that the number of young e-cigarette users has markedly declined to below epidemic levels since its peak in 2019.

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