Quit Strong: New Zealand bets on vaping to quit smoking

QUIT STRONG is one of the first public health initiatives in the World that embrace THR (Tobacco Harm Reduction), showing openness to strategies that can support smokers during smoking cessation programmes. Low risk products allow to provide the necessary amount of nicotine while maintaining the behavioral and psychological rituals associated to smoking

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The new Vaping Manual between Science and Real Use

Toxicological testing, population studies, clinical trials and randomized controlled trials demonstrate the potential reductions in exposures for smokers. Unfortunately, socio-cultural and economics barriers, such as heavy taxation, misperceptions about nicotine and unsubstantiated fears of youth addiction, prevent low risk products to become accessible to all and a good choice for those who want to quit smoking.

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Smokers, former smokers, never smokers and vapers: a survey by the CoEHAR explains their behavior during the lockdown

The findings from a survey conducted by COEHAR researchers on almost 2000 participants showed a slight decrease in the consumption of cigarettes during the lockdown period and an increase in the purchase of products such as cigarettes and e-liquid

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CoEHAR in China to open a new research front in risk reduction: impotence and infertility under the spotlight

Activities at the Center of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction at the University of Catania (CoEHAR) are in full swing. After presenting to the press the first 9 approved…

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