The VERITAS project changes the rules of vaping: no significant respiratory symptoms reported by exclusive vapers

An international study conducted as part of the VERITAS project has provided key insights into the respiratory health of exclusive e-cigarette users with no established history of smoking. Published in…

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World Diabetes Day: CoEHAR’s innovative approach to supporting better health and lifestyle for people with diabetes

Catania, November 14, 2024 - Today, on World Diabetes Day, over sixty countries are joining forces to promote diabetes prevention and management. With diabetes affecting 537 million adults globally, unhealthy habits—especially…

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Pharmacological treatments and complementary alternative products: a new study confirms the efficacy of adaptive treatments to quit smoking.

A new analysis conducted between Italy and USA has evaluated the effectiveness of the currently available methods to quit smoking, concluding that these products, which include both pharmaceutical cessation products…

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CoEHAR: Brain Cells Exposed to Cigarette Smoke Age 5 Times Faster Than Those Treated with Nicotine or Aerosol from Modified-Risk Products

Researchers at CoEHAR recently published a unique study in scientific literature, analyzing the effects of cigarette smoke, aerosol from heated tobacco products, and nicotine on microglia cells, the "sentinels" of…

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Historic agreement between CoEHAR of the University of Catania and the Padjadjaran University: the launch of the CoEHAR Indonesia

Java, September 11, 2024 - CoEHAR, the Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction established at the University of Catania in 2018, is expanding its activities by signing a letter…

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