Harm Reduction as an effective health policy to tackle smoking

“The examples of countries like New Zealand and Australia, geographically close but vastly different in terms of shared public policies, provide a clear picture of the global situation regarding the implementation of harm reduction policies for smoking. While Australia, committed to restrictive policies on reduced-risk products, is forced to backtrack on its positions, New Zealand, by promoting combustion-free devices as effective tools for tackling smoking, has halved the smoking rate, almost eradicating the problem,” explained Professor Polosa.

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THR experts at the Italian Senate: Australia vs. New Zealand case study

In this prestigious setting, CoEHAR had the opportunity to present the latest results of its intense research activities. The Italian research center is today recognized as one of the most prolific and authoritative center in the field of the research applied to harm reduction strategies. In this context, two leading experts in the medical and legal fields presented an overview of the international situation regarding the policies for combustion-free products, with a particular focus on Australia and New Zealand.

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