Bari, Polosa: “Risk reduction to fight atherosclerosis”

“However, it is important to understand a fact when talking about smoking: even today, nicotine is believed to play a major role in the developing of atherosclerosis” explains prof. Polosa “Nicotine does not cause atherosclerosis. In a survey conducted by SERMO on 1000 Italian doctors, it was found that 62 percent of the sample still think that atherosclerosis is caused by nicotine. The fact that 33 percent of the sample is made up of cardiologists is significant".

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Letter to the Editors of Substance Abuse: vaping and youths researches

According to prof. Riccardo Polosa, CoEHAR founder: "This small qualitative research simply found what we already knew: that young people are eager to explore new experiences, with vaping potentially being one of them. A critical limitation of this research is the absence of insights into how these participants have been educated about the health implications and addictive nature of nicotine/vaping. To work towards a smoke-free world, it's essential that our messaging on vaping's risk-to-benefit ratio is both accurate and truthful"

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Atherosclerosis and smoking: Polosa at the SISA national conference

The conference will bring together leading experts in the field to discuss the latest research on dyslipidemias and their management. Topics to be covered include the latest guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS), as well as innovative topics such as environmental risk factors, including smoking, and their role in the progression of atherosclerosis.

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Italian Parliament – Polosa: “Integrating the principle of harm reduction to bring smokers from 25 to 5%”

This was stated by prof. Riccardo Polosa, founder of CoEHAR, Research Center for the reduction of harm from smoking, and full professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Catania, yesterday in a hearing in the Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber, in the context of the examination of the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the ‘European plan to fight against cancer’.

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