The economy of harm reduction: the effects of vaping taxation

In the field of the economic implications of vaping products, Michael Pesko is among the leading experts: health economist and Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Georgia State University, dr. Pesko is particularly interested in policy changes affecting the use of e-cigarettes. In this article, we provide a synthesis of his work on the economic impact of government and policy makers choices in the vaping market.

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Motore Sanità: risk reduction as a public health strategy 

Riccardo Polosa: "In Italy, even today, we don't have a health policy that takes care of these people. Risk reduction represents the solution, an extraordinary opportunity for change and acceleration in terms of individual and public health. I consider it serious to insist on hiding from citizens the real opportunities offered by potentially low-risk instruments, even pointing them out as dangerous on a par with conventional cigarettes. 

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New frontiers in the care of people with schizophrenia: low-risk products are a valid substitute for smoking

According to a qualitative analysis that involved the health personnel responsible for accompanying patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders in their therapeutic paths, tobacco addiction is highly harmful and widespread among patients suffering from these disorders: doctors, psychologists and healthcare professionals in general have a positive view of smokeless instruments, which are considered an excellent substitute for smoking.

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Replica: slight or no cytotoxic, mutagenic and genotoxic effects induced by the ecig aerosol

The third phase of the Replica project is in the prime of its activity: CoEHAR researchers successfully replicated the study published by Rudd and colleagues in 2020 and the data obtained not only show slight or no cytotoxic, mutagenic and genotoxic effects induced by the e-cigarette aerosol, but the work by researchers of Catania covered some methodological gaps and limitations in the original work.

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170 international experts and CoEHAR members signed the first “Smoke-free Spain” declaration

As in the text, the experts believe that “Spanish authorities have a golden opportunity to apply new measures in the fight against the diseases caused by smoking that are giving significant results in those countries where they are already being applied”.

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