Youth Tobacco Prevention
International surveys reveal more than 10 percent of teens between 13 to 15 years old are smokers. According to the World Health Organisation, teenage smokers suffer from shortness of breath almost three times as often as teens who don’t smoke

Smoking at an early age increases the risk of lung cancer, then exponentially rises as the individual continues to smoke.
Tobacco smoking amongst teenagers is a global plague. Addressing this issue with every policy and action available is the duty of governments, institutions, media, educators, and healthcare providers.
CoEHAR considers its responsibility to disseminate scientific information on health-risk related to smoking. The aim is to prevent the spread of this addiction among the new generations.
CoEHAR policy sees Tobacco Harm Reduction as a priority, particularly for the youths. Preventing smoking habits and supporting the youngsters quitting is at the core of our social engagement.
CoEHAR is engaged in informing teens of the risks posed by traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes. The idea behind our actions is that approaching students in the schools, their families, and supporting a smoke-free culture means decreasing the number of future smokers.
CoEHAR mission in brief:
- Promote anti-smoking culture among adolescents
- Discourage young people to approach smoking in the early stage, which occurs mainly at school.
- Support anti-smoking culture among families and teachers
- Disseminate scientific research to find innovative and shared solutions against smoking habits.
- Encourage youngsters to become promoters of healthy lifestyles